Drop changes
This week we have removed the majority of boss- and minigame-only drops from the PvP and Bounty Worlds. Reading the forums, we noted that several people felt that dropping items like dragonfire shields, dragon full helms, Slayer-only items (like the abyssal whip) and barrows equipment was a bad move. The general feeling was that these drops not only made the original source less exciting, but also effectively increased the rate at which these objects came into the game, which had an adverse effect on the economy. We agreed! As such, we have made the following changes:
Please note that we have not tried to change the average value of PvP drops – they are intended to be exactly the same as before. Also, it is still possible to get the items we’ve removed from the drop tables if your opponent is carrying them, and the chances of getting these items from your opponent’s inventory are the same as before.
Old monsters find new home in old Bounty Hunter crater
We’ve been made aware of a few existing monsters in the game that are too few in number, especially in areas busy with eager slayers. We made a list of these critters from the forums, and have added a menagerie of appropriate beasts to the Bounty Hunter crater. The area will now contain hellhounds, lesser demons, greater demons and a range of skeletons.
Teleports and switches
All teleport spells cast in Bounty Worlds will now take you to Edgeville, and there is a new switch leading to the high-level Wilderness from the ruined building south of the bank in Edgeville.
Gravestone changes
If you die in a special area (what we call an “instanced” event), you will now be given a gravestone, which will appear in the nearest non-instanced place to the one where you died. For example, if you died while fighting Bork in the Chaos Tunnels, your gravestone would appear outside the portal to Bork’s cave, giving you a chance to return and collect your items. The gravestone will be marked on the world map, and a timer will tell you how much time you have left before it disappears. Logging out will not make the gravestone disappear, although the timer will continue to count down while you are offline. Also, all gravestones will now remain in place for one minute more than they used to.
Finally, we just want to let you know that we have added an earning-potential display to PvP and Bounty Worlds interfaces. For more information on this update, visit the Recent Updates thread in the forums.
It’s been a while since we updated you on what we are doing to prevent cheating in RuneScape, and particularly to catch and ban macroers, so here’s what’s currently going on:
You’ve probably already noticed while playing the game that there has been a lot less macroing going on over the last year, as we’ve been getting more effective at preventing it. Gone are the days where every tree has an accompanying crowd of bots. However, we’re not resting on our laurels, and in fact we have just strengthened our macro-detection systems yet again. We are about to ban several thousand more accounts for macroing. We have reviewed all the macro programs available, and there are none we cannot detect.
These days we are taking a zero-tolerance approach to macroing. Players caught for macroing don’t receive a warning, or a chance to appeal, or even a last-chance appeal - they are just permanently banned. Don’t make the mistake of believing that we’ll be soft, and that you can get away with it until you are warned. You can’t. Don’t risk your account. By the time you realize you’ve been caught it will be far too late.
Also, high-level and members’ accounts are NOT immune, or given an extra chance. One of the reasons for our RWT changes was precisely so players couldn’t effectively macro on low–level, throwaway accounts to gain wealth. This means they were tempted to macro on their high–level, main accounts instead, which plays straight into our hands as our existing anti-macro systems catch and ban them! This has proven very effective; so far this month we have already banned over 500 high-level accounts with skills in the 80s and 90s. Don’t make your account one of them.
This is a warning to players that would have otherwise been sucked in by the misinformation spread by cheating communities; don’t do it, or you will lose your hard-earned account.
For further information, please refer to the honour section of the Rules of RuneScape.
The run energy upgrade consists of five changes.
1) We have adjusted both the rate at which your energy drains when running AND the rate at which it returns. Overall, these changes mean you will be able to spend a greater proportion of time running than before.
2) You can now sit down and rest anywhere by right-clicking on the run button, which will recharge your run energy (and Hitpoints) much faster (the musicians located at various places around Gielinor provide even faster recharge rates).
3) We have adjusted all energy-restoring potions and food so that they restore more run energy, to make sure they are still useful in light of the above changes.
4) Agility has been made more effective for improving running, as it now reduces your recharge time AND increases the distance you can run per run energy point. Agility levels 50-99 in particular have been made more useful, as previously they offered very little extra running advantage.
5) Agility no longer gives a boost on free worlds, as it was giving members an unfair advantage against free users when PKing or resource gathering on free worlds. Members’ features were always supposed to be turned off on free worlds to avoid spoiling the game for the free players, and indeed most of them were (which is why you can’t use members’ weapons on free worlds, for example), but for some reason we missed the Agility one. Of course, members are welcome to also play on free worlds if they want to, but they shouldn’t expect to have an unfair advantage against free users when playing on a free users’ world.
Last but not least, some more player ideas have made their way into the game. You can now weave seaweed nets, and carry much more seaweed than before. There is also a new herb called wergali. Wergali seeds can be obtained from Vinesweeper, your compost mound familiar, or from various monsters’ drops. Perhaps you’d like to use the herb to gain advantages in Fletching and Crafting? Well, now you can, as herbalists have discovered a couple of wergali potions that temporarily boost these skills. Other small changes concern the Strongholds of Security and of Player Safety, where only those in need of information will be quizzed, and the magic spell icons, which have had a graphical update.
itong runescape blogger na ito ay para sa mga taong gustong mapag usapan ang mga bagay bagay sa runescape. halimbawa kung gusto ba ninyong magkaroon nang mga clan wars. magkaroon nang mga events like eyeball at magkitaan sa mga mata ang bawat manlalaro nang larong ito na sumikat sa ibat ibang mundo katulad na lang dito sa pilipinas. Halika na at tayo'y lumahok at makisali sa blogger na ito