Well, today TNC set out on a F2P PK trip, we started with roughly 70 options. Hearing SoK were out, we got tracks on them, and rushed them at GDZ. After sending SoK to single multiple times, they decided to call TM. After half an hour of waiting for them, they rushed us at Members Gate, with roughly 120 options of SoK and TM. After seeing Team Relentless PKing, Vi3t_X approached me and asked if we wanted to team and take both SoK and TM out. With TNC now at roughly 95 options and Relentless at about the same it was sure to be a great fight. I agree'd and they jumped in TNC's TS and the massacre began.
TNC + R starting:

SoK + TM starting:
120+ options? (Please confirm)
So the fight hit out, with SOK+TM rushing us at members gate with TNC+R dropping the fall in leader. The fight dragged on, for an hour, before SoK+TM for forced into single. Everytime they entered multi after that, they were put straight back in single.
TNC + R ending:

TM + SoK ending:
30 options at mossies?
Pics of the fight:

Please keep this topic flame free. Thanks to Relentless fighting together, respect :).
Please post your kills pics etc.
from: http://www.zybez.net/community/index.php?showtopic=1248709
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